Thursday, September 25, 2008

Preview Songs!

Fun, fun, fun! I have just created a YouTube account where you can preview some of my songs. My children sing the following four songs:

Amos 3:7 -- I put these and many more scriptures to music in order to encourage scripture memorization.
Mosiah 2:17
John 3:5
Grains, Fruits, Vegetables -- This is a fun little song about eating in a healthy manner. The kids had fun being silly with it.

Click on the links to see the songs on YouTube and to see sheet music. You can always go to to find sheet music for all my songs.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

9/11 Song

Here are the lyrics for a song I wrote just after 9/11. It is for SATB plus a children's choir can be added. You can find the sheet music for the song at ($1.99)

I Believe in America

I be-lieve in A-mer-i-ca
Our land where truth and free-dom reign
I be-lieve in A-mer-i-ca
I'll stand be-hind her name

We see ci-ties that gleam with the shed-ding of tears.
We'll draw on the strength that's sus-tained through the years.
May we pledge to each o-ther this faith filled de-cree,
To let right-eous-ness dwell in the land of the free.
We'll cling to our fore-fa-thers' dream to pre-serve
All the rights and the liber-ties which we de-serve.

I be-lieve in A-mer-i-ca
Our land where truth and free-dom reign
I be-lieve in A-mer-i-ca
I'll stand be-hind her name

On the wings of the ea-gle, our pray-ers as-cend.
God bless hearts and souls of this na-tion to mend.
As we re-build our coun-try, through tri-als we'll trod.
May we lean on each o-ther, but look to our God.
When we all stand to-gether, and when faith re-stores-
We'll come forth from this tem-pest, stronger than be-fore.

I be-lieve in A-mer-i-ca
Our land where truth and free-dom reign
I be-lieve in A-mer-i-ca
I'll stand be-hind her name

Oh I be-lieve

I be-lieve in A-mer-i-ca
Our land where truth and free-dom reign
I be-lieve in A-mer-i-ca
I'll stand be-hind her name

I'll stand be-hind her name!

Copyright Marika Lee Connole. Thanks for referring friends and family.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008


Silly me. So I create a blog to post updates and such and then I don't update anything. Here comes an update and I'll be updating a little more regularly now. Thanks!

On the sidebar, you will see that I have updated the music links. Just to highlight a few...

Munchkins & Music is an awesome site that promotes music education. She offers wonderful tips, tricks, and ideas to teach children about music in many ways. Worth checking out.

Choral Public Domain Library offers a myriad of works that you may download and use for your choir. No need to worry about copyrights because they are all public domain.

Ward Choir Music has simple hymn arrangements for free download.

The two free sheet music sites have links to many free sheet music sites. (surprise) The only drawback is that a lot of the links are no longer functional and some of the links take you places that are hard to navigate and some links I clicked on seemed to have no free music. [Okay, so there was more than one drawback.]

The Church music website has helps on how to conduct, easy to download hymns and songs that playback and transpose for you, and other educational material. There's also some free songs from the church music contest available.

Sally DeFord's
website has long been a ward choir conductor's favorite site. She has lots of original songs for free download.

If you click on Marika Lee's Music, that takes you directly to my music catalog where my music is sorted by subject and style.

I have been working on more hymn arrangements and scripture songs of late. I hope to have some more info on those posted soon. Talk to you soon!